Testifying to the Truth

Testifying to the Truth

During the 1950s researchers at The Wiener Holocaust Library gathered over 1,000 accounts from eyewitnesses to Nazi persecution and genocide.

These accounts cover a wide range of subjects, with material touching on almost every aspect of the Holocaust.

The early accounts were mostly written in German, often by interviewers who spoke directly to the eyewitnesses. The process would begin with listening to an individual’s story, taking notes, compiling a summary, and finally asking the interviewee to check and approve the resulting document.

The project was led by the Wiener Library’s Head of Research Eva Reichmann. Between 1954 and 1960 she led an international search for witnesses and documentary evidence, creating a collection of unparalleled depth.

These documents have been translated into English by Wiener Holocaust Library volunteers. Explore the collection of original documents, transcription, and translation below


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