Terms of Use

Wiener Digital Collections is a site operated by The Wiener Holocaust Library.

Wiener Digital Collections is The Wiener Holocaust Library's core platform for delivering digitised images of the Library’s unique collections. It aims to open up these collections to the widest possible audience for research, learning, teaching and engagement. The terms of use described here will apply to the majority of the Library's content on the site, but some items may have particular restrictions. Users must therefore check the individual terms of use for each item before reusing the content.

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The Wiener Holocaust Library seeks to balance respect for copyright with its mission to promote public knowledge about the Holocaust by making its materials freely available in its reading room and online. Before collections are uploaded to Wiener Digital Collections, the Wiener Holocaust Library assesses them for copyright concerns. Where it is possible and appropriate, we ask the copyright holders for permission.

It is not always possible to identify and/or trace rights holders. In such cases, we may publish material online without consent to promote public knowledge of the Holocaust, if we believe this will not cause harm or distress to third parties.

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