Takedown policy

How to request removal of an item from Wiener Digital Collections

The Wiener Holocaust Library is committed to making digitised content available online. 

The Wiener Holocaust Library seeks to balance respect for copyright with its mission to promote public knowledge about the Holocaust by making its materials freely available in its reading room and online. Before collections are uploaded to Wiener Digital Collections, the WHL assesses them for copyright concerns. Where it is possible and appropriate, we ask the copyright holders for permission.

It is not always possible to identify and/or trace rights holders. In such cases, we may publish material online without consent to promote public knowledge of the Holocaust, if we believe this will not cause harm or distress to third parties.

It is not always possible to identify and/or trace rights holders. In such cases, we may publish material online without consent to promote public knowledge of the Holocaust, if we believe this will not cause harm or distress to third parties.

If you are a rights holder and are concerned that you have found material on Wiener Digital Collections for which you have not given permission, or that is not covered by a limitation or exception in national law, please contact us in writing stating the following:

  • Your full name and contact details.
  • The full bibliographic details or citation of the material, sufficient to identify it without ambiguity.
  • The full URL where you found the material.
  • Proof that you are the rights holder and a statement that you are the rights holder or are an authorised representative.
  • A statement of the nature of your objection.
  • Any additional information.

Please note that you may be asked to provide further information and/or supporting statements in relation to the content or your concern.

Contact Details:

The Wiener Holocaust Library
29 Russell Square
London WC1B 5DP - UK
Or via email at digital@wienerholocaustlibrary.org. Please use the following subject line: takedown request.

Notice and Takedown procedure

Upon receipt of notification, the ‘Notice and Takedown’ procedure is then invoked as follows:

  1. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint by email or letter and will make an initial assessment of the validity of the complaint.
  2. Upon receipt of a valid complaint the material will be temporarily removed from the website pending an agreed solution.
  3. We will work to resolve the issue swiftly and amicably and to the satisfaction of both parties, with the following possible outcomes:
  • The material is left unchanged, or
  • The material is replaced with changes, or
  • The material is permanently removed.
  1. If we are unable to agree a solution, the material will remain unavailable through our repository until a time when a resolution has been reached.

If you have any comments or questions about this policy, please contact digital@wienerholocaustlibrary.org.


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