German POW Camp Newspapers

The Wiener Holocaust Library's collection of German POW Camp Newspapers consists of 318 newspapers from 268 camps

The Foreign Office originally collected the papers to monitor its re-education program in the camps. 144 papers were donated to the Library on 24 November 1986 by Mr. Fox of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It is likely a further collection of papers was donated from the same source but is not recorded in the Library's accession register. A list of papers previously held by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office was donated to the Library 21 August 1995. The Library also collected some camp newspapers from other sources, which are unknown.

The majority of the issues in the collection are from 1946, the year the re-education program started in Britain, where the highest number of German POWs were held; many had been transferred to Britain from the USA and Canada in late 1945 and 1946.


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